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We Understand Only What We are Taught

Monday, February 11, 2008

Recent arrival at RAPTOR...a bird who hasn't figured out buildings yet

Jeff Hays recently brought in a Cooper's Hawk. He had to go trap and remove this bird from a warehouse nearby. He saw that it was banded, and when he checked the number, he found out that he had trapped and removed this same bird, from the same building, in the same corner of the building last year.
Warehouse Coopers hawk
She had dirty feet and tail...sooty-looking.
After a bath and a few free meals, she will be released. Again.

RAPTOR and others 069

This is a hawk that was hatched in the Spring of 2006.
The clues lie in the eyes...
Warehouse Coopers hawk close up eye
In one more year, her eyes will be totally orange. She just has a tiny bit of yellow left.
Hopefully, by the time those eyes are 100% orange, she will have learned NOT to go into buildings.

1 comment:

Elaine @ floridabirder said...

Wow, I'm glad I followed the link to this site from your Susan Gets Native blog. I was looking at a photo of a juvey Krider's hawk today and noticed how it's eyes were yellow! I was wondering about that. I have not gotten heavily into raptors yet, so this was a piece of trivia asked...and answered in very short order. Thanks! I love blogs that go into little details like that. :)